The first point of weight loss: don't take diet pills. About diet pills, I don't want to say more, hurt the body, absolutely hurt the body, and very easy to rebound, so do not take any diet pills, no matter how high-tech do not eat!
Weight loss number two: be sure to stick to it. There is no quick fix. And there's no magic bullet. If you don't stick to it, even if you lose weight, 5 pounds of chocolate can help you return to your home weight.
The third point of weight loss: moderate exercise. You just have to understand that the same weight of fat is much, much bigger than muscle. Too much exercise is easy to do harm to the body. Without exercise, you can't lose weight.
The fourth point to lose weight; Eat small, frequent meals. Do not eat a lot at once, because it is easy to stretch the stomach, you just eat a little at a time, eat 5-10 times a day. It takes less than two weeks to shrink the stomach. You won't have a particularly good appetite to eat so much food in the future. If you eat less, you will naturally lose weight
The fifth point to lose weight is to choose a good partner. As the saying goes, playing chess with stinky baskets, stinking, losing weight with people who have no perseverance, ha ha, you will not have perseverance.
Good luck with your weight loss